CWA Local 1180 Benefits Benefits Resources Glossary of Terms
Privacy Notice
Fund Administrator's Message
CWA Local 1180 has experienced quite a few changes in recent years, not only in leadership within the Board of Trustees, but also leadership within the Benefits Funds. Throughout these changes, the Funds continue to thrive with a talented team of employees who provide excellent customer service, fielding hundreds of calls from members daily and processing thousands of claims throughout the year.
Our number one priority remains servicing our members. If there is anything the Supreme Court case Janus v. AFSCME case taught us, it is the importance of servicing our membership and educating everyone on the history and importance of unions in the workforce. We continue to invest in our infrastructure and technology to ensure a high rate of productivity of service. In an economy where members face increasing cost-of-living expenses, the benefits we provide allow our members to better take care of their families' health and welfare.
The Benefits Funds receive $1,610 per member per annum to administer benefits such as prescription drugs, dental, disability, optical, legal, continuing education, and more. However, this amount is not nearly enough to provide our members with all these benefits. Through prudent and sound investments, combined with the Board of Trustees’ guidance and support and the advice of highly-skilled consultants, the Funds have been able to grow our reserves at a time when other unions’ funds are going bankrupt. The Local 1180 Benefits Funds continue to research and explore new ideas to expand benefits and best accommodate the needs of our members. We are grateful and proud to serve each and every member of CWA Local 1180.
You may begin to file your calendar year 2024 General Medical and/or Prescription (Retirees only) claim reimbursements. The deadline to submit reimbursements is June 30, 2025. If you filed a Prescription or General Medical reimbursement last year, a claim form will be automatically mailed to you by Jan. 15, 2025. If you do not receive a reimbursement form after the next 5 business days, please log into your Member Portal account to request the forms you need and have them mailed to you.
Our Annuity third-party administrators, ASO, can be reached at 877.999.3555. If unable to connect, we kindly ask members to leave a detailed message, including member ID# and best contact phone number, to ensure a representative returns your call as quickly as possible. You can also visit their website at to create/log-in to your account, for more information.
Updated 9/30/24
Getting Information
You may examine Form 5500 or full Annual Report filed with the Internal Revenue Service and the Department of Labor at the Fund Office during regular business hours, Monday through Friday, except holidays. You may also obtain copies of the document via written request and paying the reasonable cost of duplication. You should inquire about the charges prior to requesting copies. If you prefer, you can arrange to examine a document during business hours at the Benefits Funds Office. A summary of the Annual Report that provides details of the financial information of the Funds' operation will be furnished free of charge to all covered members.
Nothing in this Benefit Summary Plan Description is meant to interpret, extend, or change in any way the provisions expressed in the Plan documents or contracts. The Board of Trustees reserves the right to amend, modify, or discontinue part or all these Plans whenever, in their judgment, conditions so warrant. The benefits provided by the Funds are made possible by the Funds’ assets, which are derived from employer contributions. All of the Funds’ assets are used to provide your benefits and to defray reasonable administrative expenses.
Mental Health
& Substance Addiction Resources
FHE Health
Health assists members with drug, alcohol, sex, and gambling addictions;
depression and behavioral health issues; and stress and anxiety disorders
through several specialty programs. They offer 24/7 confidential assistance to all members in both the public and
private sectors. Learn more about their Behavioral Health/Mental Health, Addiction Treatment, and Residential and
Outpatient options.
National Suicide Prevention Hotline
New 3 Digits to Call for Help: 988
By dialing only three numbers, anyone can now reach the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline for mental health crises. On June 16, 2022, the nonprofit that operates the lifeline on behalf of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration launched the 988 dialing code available to everyone across the United States. Read more >>
Online Behavioral Health Resources
Support Groups
Alcoholics Anonymous Al-Anon
Emotions Anonymous
Narcotic Anonymous
Online Resources
Anxiety and Depression Association of America
Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance
Mental Health America
National Alliance on Mental Illness
Faith-Based Groups
Celebrate Recovery
Authority of the Fund Administrator
Notwithstanding any other provision in the Plans, the Board of Trustees shall have the exclusive right, power, and authority, in its sole and absolute discretion to:
Without limiting the generality of the statements above, the Board of Trustees shall have the ultimate discretionary authority to:
All determinations made by the Board of Trustees (or any duly authorized designee thereof) with respect to any matter arising under the Plans and any other Plan documents shall be final and binding on all parties.
Plan Amendment and Modification
The Board of Trustees reserves the right, within its sole discretion, to amend, modify, or terminate, in whole or in part, any or all of the provisions of these Plans (including any related documents and underlying policies), at any time and for any reason.
Security Benefits, Retiree Benefits, Education Benefits & Legal Benefits Funds
6 Harrison St., 3rd Floor | New York, NY 10013-
212.966.5353 | 888.966.5353 (out-of-area)
Annuity Benefits Fund
Administrative Services Only, Inc.
303 Merrick Road, Suite 300, Lynbrook, NY 11563-